Read Christian Aid's article on the WTO, presented at their issue group last session,
in February.
Latest on Issue Groups
Read DG Trade's APRIL Report on WTO Transparency
The last two meetings on WTO Transparency, which took place in June and September hadve not yet been posted on DG Trade's website. Nonetheless, you can
read more on what was broached -- i.e.
Decision making (consensus; consultative body; Director General's role);
Promoting participation of DCs (Developing Countries)
at the link above.
Latest News
Please find below the latest schedules of the next Civil Society Issue Group, which is to take place the week of 26 November:
[Posted: Tuesday 20 November;12:10pm CET]
Highlights of the February Issue Group Report
The meeting brought together 17 NGOs
The EU also needs to address the issue of Transparency before the Qatar Ministerial in November
Developing countries have a problem with Civil Society, too, in the sense that they could potentially undermine
these countries' already very limited capacity to influence the WTO.
There is a question over what preconditions will have to agreed to in order for both developing and LDC countries
to participate effectively to the vote.
NGOs could be granted Observer status in certain WTO committees, as well as be briefed earlier on certain upcoming issues.
NGOs argued that Parliamentarians of all shades could be more actively involved.
NGOs felt that the transparency of current EU policy with respect to trade policy is insufficient.
Civil Society at this discussion agreed that adequate weight ought to be provided in panel decisions to other international rules that
potentially conflict with WTO provisions.