1.1 Third Meeting of the TAED
1.2 The Biosafety Protocol
1.3 The International Expert's Meeting on Sustainability Assessment of Trade LIberalization, Quito
2. Trade, Investment and Competition Policy
3.Regional Trade Issues
3.1 Euro-Med Free Trade Area: Can It Be Sustainable?
3.2 The New ACP-EU Agreement
4.People and Institutions
4.1 "EU 'Global Player' -- North-South Policy of the European Union' by Mirjam van Reisen
4.2 UNCTAD Booklet "Social Responsibility of TNCs"
5. WTO
5.1 The WTO and EU Health Policy
5.2 Appeasement Policy of International Financial Institutions & the WTO
5.3 Conflicting interests in Agriculture Negotiations
6. Trade & Social Issues
6.1 Codex Alimentarius: Towards a Global Food Law
6.2 International IRENE Seminar on Corporate Liability & Worker's Rights
7. Trade & Gender Issues
7.1 Statement by the Women's Environment & Development Organization...
7.2 "Declaration for Economic Justice & Women's Empowerment"--Copenhagen +5
7.3 Sleepless & Genderless in Seattle
7.4 Grenada Seminar on Gender & Trade
7.5 Women & Gender at UNCTAD X in Bangkok, Feb.2000
7.6 Future Plans & News
8. ICDA Publications
8.1 ICDA Journal
8.2 ICDA Publications List