What is ICDA exactly?
A: ICDA is a coalition of non-governmental development organisations with networks in both the North
and South. ICDA is in itself both an organisation as well as a coalition. It is represented by a
Chair, and a Co-ordinating Group.
Who are ICDA members?
A: Members are NGOs & NGO-networks active in the field of development assistance and cooperation, development
education, and sustainable development and trade & trade-related issues that share the aims of ICDA.
What are ICDA's aims?
A: ICDA's aims are:
to promote cooperation between development groups in industrialized countries
to exert political pressure on decision-making processes in industrialized countries and in international
forum concerning development questions, particularly in the area of international trade.
How is ICDA run?
On the one hand, ICDA is run like an organisation; on the other, it also acts as a framework for a coalition of other NGOs working
on similar issues. Without its members, ICDA would be unable to fulfil many of its objectives
On the other, the ICDA Secretariat and program is, both in the past and, presently, run under the leadership of the CG and a Senior Officer / Coordinator /
Consultant. They are assisted by Secretariat, which is staffed with a combination of interns; short-term assistant program officer(s),
a part-time administrative officer/assistant, and consultants. All this usually depends on the program funding.
Who heads ICDA?
A:Unlike your regular organization, ICDA, as a development NGO, has no President, nor Director. Rather, it is led by
a Co-ordinating group that consists of a Chair, a Treasurer and four common members. At the time of writing, Janice Goodson-Foerde
is Chairperson.