Read the joint NGO statement on the SIAs that was written in collaboration with other European Civil Society organisations
in February 2003:
"Sustainability Impact Assessment (SIA) is a central plank of the European Commission's strategy to mainstream sustainable
development into EU trade policy. Correctly conducted and used, SIA can help deliver more sustainable trade by highlighting the
potential social, environmental and developmental impacts of trade agreements and identifying measures to mitigate negative impacts."
ICDA Member CUTS has written a report analysing the investment agreements in the WTO. It is entitled "Putting our Fears on the Table".
You can read the report here.[posted:19 May'03]
OXFAM International sent a report yesterday through the ETN List-serv. A 43-page briefing paper, it calls on WTO members to "reject the launch
of investment negotiations in Cancun". Read the report here[posted:30 April'03]
BIRDLIFE International's Brussels office have written a paper that aims to provide an environmental perspective of the Common Agricultural Policy. You can read the
report here.[posted:6 May'03]
OXFAM International sent a report yesterday through the ETN List-serv. A 43-page briefing paper, it calls on WTO members to "reject the launch
of investment negotiations in Cancun". Read the report here[posted:30 April'03]
The purpose of this Conference is to question and challenge the European
Union's negotiating proposals in the run up to the Cancún WTO Ministerial
Meeting, and in particular the attempts to put 'development' at the heart of
the Doha Round. The Conference is organised by development NGO networks, but
there will be participation from the wider European civil society and from
the South. EU Trade Commissioner Pascal Lamy has confirmed his participation
in the 8 May afternoon panel debate and in the ensuing press conference.
Highlights of the February 2001 Issue Group Report
The meeting brought together 17 NGOs
The EU also needs to address the issue of Transparency before the Qatar Ministerial in November
Developing countries have a problem with Civil Society, too, in the sense that they could potentially undermine
these countries' already very limited capacity to influence the WTO.
There is a question over what preconditions will have to agreed to in order for both developing and LDC countries
to participate effectively to the vote.
NGOs could be granted Observer status in certain WTO committees, as well as be briefed earlier on certain upcoming issues.
NGOs argued that Parliamentarians of all shades could be more actively involved.
NGOs felt that the transparency of current EU policy with respect to trade policy is insufficient.
Civil Society at this discussion agreed that adequate weight ought to be provided in panel decisions to other international rules that
potentially conflict with WTO provisions.